
How to Work with Your Employees to Set and Accomplish New Year Goals

December 15 2021 Posted by Zing Professional in Blog

Setting attainable goals with your team members is essential for their career development. The more opportunities they have for professional growth, the longer your employees are likely to remain with your organization. With the new year approaching, now is an excellent time to meet with your staff members and begin planning their next 12 months.

Follow these guidelines to help your team members set their goals for 2022.

Focus On Short-Term Goals

Prioritize goals that can be accomplished within the next 12 months. Your staff members should have concrete answers about their career development for the coming year. Short-term goals tend to be more approachable and attainable than long-term goals because of the faster deadlines.

Align the Goals with Company Objectives

Use the company’s growth strategy as a foundation to create your team members’ goals. Ensure your employees understand how their roles and responsibilities contribute to the bigger picture. This helps keep them focused and motivated to achieve success for themselves and the organization. Having goals aligned with the company’s objectives also increases feelings of accountability for how individual performance directly impacts the company.

Create Job-Specific Goals

Ask your team members which goals they would like to set based on their work responsibilities. The more meaningful the goals are, the more likely your staff members are to attain them. Some of the goals may involve increasing productivity and efficiency. These often are areas where employees want to improve.

Include Stretch Goals

Create goals that encourage your team members to develop the skills needed to advance within the organization. The more you delegate tasks, assign challenging project roles, and provide other opportunities for professional growth, the more valuable your staff members become. They are likely to remain with your company for as long as they can continue to advance.

Assign Accountability Buddies

Match team members with similar goals, and ask them to hold each other accountable for reaching these goals. The colleagues can regularly check in to discuss their progress, challenges, and issues. They also can offer support, advice, and congratulations as appropriate. Be sure to check in with your team members often.

Plan Your Staffing Needs

Work with Zing! Professional to plan your staffing needs for 2022. Contact us today.